커뮤니티 게시판

2080 English 9월 1차 모임(9월3일)

■ 활동명 : 2080 English
■ 일시 : 2019년 9월 3일 14:00~17:00
■ 장소 : 서부 캠퍼스 3층 모임방1
■ 참가자 : 장지숙외 4명
■ 주요내용
   - TED(Technology , Entertainment, Design) "Grit"
   - Watching, Diction, Listening, Making sentences, writing, shadowing speaking English

When I was 27 years old, I left a very demanding job in management consulting for a job that was even more demanding: teaching.

Left A for B A를  떠나 B로 가다/ I left New York for Korea in 2017 for a living.

I went to teach seventh graders math in the New York City public schools.

Teach  A math A에게 math를 가르치다

And like any teacher, I made quizzes and tests.

I gave out homework assignments

내(out) 주었다 hand out/ give out  assignment ~할당하다

When the work came back, I caculated grades.

What struck me was that IQ was not the only difference between my best and my worst students.

IQ  Intelligence Quotient 지능지수,  NQ Network Quotient,  PQ , EQ

Some of my strongest perfermers did not have stratospheric IQ scores.

stratospheric (별처럼)성층권 

Some of my smartest kids weren't doing so well.

And that got me thinking.나를 생각하게 만들었다.

get ~ing 누구를 ~하게 만들었다

The kinds of things you need to learn in seventh grade mathe, sure, they're hard: ratios, decimals, the area of a parallelogram.

Parall 평행한  /gram 쓰다(write) diagram 도표/ Graph 그리다(draw)

But these concepts are not impossible, and I was firmly convinced that every one of my students could learn the material if they worked hard and long enough.

long enough 끈질기게

Be covince of A noun phrase/  Be convince That S+V

Every one 학생 하나하나

The material 교과목, Parasite기생충 para= beside

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