홈 아이콘
커뮤니티 게시판

2080 English 7월4차 모임(7월22일)

■ 활동명 : 2080 English
■ 일시 : 2019년 7월 22일 10:00~13:00
■ 장소 : 서부 캠퍼스 3층 모임방1
■ 참가자 : 장지숙외 5명
■ 주요내용
   - 영화 Love story  #Scene 46~47 
   - Watching, Diction, Listening, Making sentences, writing, speaking Englis

Would you please and get out there and support me, in the manner to which we planned to become accustomed?

In the manner 방법대로  become accustomed에 ~익숙해지다 ~길들게하다

Why cann't I cancle it?

Stay in shape

I don't want to a flabby husband.

Week days월~금 / Weekend 토~일

I turned him down: reject : 거절하다

Reject turn sb(사람) down/ Reject turm st(사물) down

I turnde his offer down(o) /I turn down him대명사(X)

Fantastic, you, on the other side of a punch -out rap 두들겨패다 폭행사건

Take A out dinner A에게 외식시켜주다

What's the problem with you? What's the matter with you? What's wrong with you?// What happen to you?

What do you mean by # : #이 무슨 뜻이야? = What is meant by #? = Wht does "#" mean?

Off(a 상태가 좋지않은) day 바람 빠진 날, 기운 없는 날, 일진이 안 좋은 날

On one's day 신바람이 난 날 / I'm on my day.

Be on day 근무일 /off day 비번

친구How long have you been living in this apartment? / 공인중개사 How long have you lived in this apartment?

- Making sentences -

*I supposed to go to Cambodia early in september.

*Steve Jobs made a speech in stanford university 'stay hungry, stay foolish'.

■ 영어 도서 대출
   - A Shakespeare Story reading-HenryV, Romio and Juliet, Twelfth Night, A Midsummer Night 

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