홈 아이콘
커뮤니티 게시판

2080 English 4월 5차 모임(4월 29일)

오늘은 7명(허영숙Rosa,  임영옥Jane, 최혜숙Helen, 이창주Charles, 황규영Kenny, 백미경Michell, 장지숙Jp)이

1층 모두의 부엌에 모여서 Love Story #Scene34와 Tongue Twisters를 공부했습니다~

I give you my hand I give you my love moer precious than money.

I give you myself before preaching or law.

I take you to be my wedded husband from this day forward to love and to cherish till death do us part

지금부터 From now on, 내일부터 From tomorrow on, 내년부터 From nest year on

Will you give me/ Would you give me

Help sb with sth/ Help sb to v

Help 사람/Help 사물

Tongue Twisters( 발음 P)

Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers~

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