홈 아이콘
커뮤니티 게시판

2080 English 11월 1차 모임(11월5일)

■ 활동명 : 2080 English
■ 일시 : 2019년 11월 5일 14:00~17:00
■ 장소 : 서부 캠퍼스 3층 모임방 1
■ 참가자 : 장지숙외 4명
■ 주요내용
   - TED(Technology , Entertainment, Design) "Environment- Climate change"
   - Watching, Diction, Listening, Making sentences, writing, shadowing speaking English

I first heard about something called climate change or global warming.(기후변화 즉 지구 온난화)

Apparently, that was someting humans had created by our way of living.( 듣자하니, 보기에 보자하니)

tell sb to +v sb가 v 하라고 명령하다

I remember thinking that it was very strange the humans who are an animal species among others could be capable of changing the Earth's climate.

Don't forget to remember me 나를 잊지 마세요/ She forget to meething him 그녀는 그와 만났던 것을 잊었다.

be capable of Ving / be able to V~할 가능성이 있다

Because if we were, and if it was happing(were 불가능/was가능할 수도-기후변화가 일어나고 있음 시사)

He is the very man 바로 그사람(형용사)/ very good(부사) 바로 그자체

If burning fossil fuels was so bad that it threatned our very exsistence, how could we just continue like before?

He just continues act like before 예전처럼 행동한다

You just continue(maintain) beautiful like before 아름다움을 유지하고있다

 To me, that did not add up.(합산하다, 시작과 끝이 안 맞는다, 말도 안된다 Doesn't make sense)

In two months, I lost about 10 kilos of weight(IN 다음에 시간을 나타내는 명사(two)가 나오면 경과-지나서-를 의미함

Later on, I was diagnosed with Apafer syndrom, OCD and selective mutism.(~라는 진단을 받다)

I think in many ways that we autistic are the nomal ones, and the rest of the people are pretty strange.

The rest of you,the rest of the people 나머지 사람들

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