홈 아이콘
커뮤니티 게시판

2080 English 10월 2차 모임(10월 8일)

■ 활동명 : 2080 English
■ 일시 : 2019년 10월 8일 14:00~17:00
■ 장소 : 서부 캠퍼스 3층 모임방1
■ 참가자 : 장지숙외 5명
■ 주요내용
   - TED(Technology , Entertainment, Design) "Grit"
   - Watching, Diction, Listening, Making sentences, writing, shadowing speaking English

Our data show very clearly that there are many talented individuals who simply do not follow through on their commitments.

     data 자료(conclusion) datum의 복수  simply ~조차도   commitment 맹세, 장담

    follow through on (골프칠 때의 자세) 끝까지 완수하다, 뒤따라가는 후속 주자

In fact, our data, grit is usually unrelated or even inversely related measures of talent.

      or even 오히려   inversely  turn 역으로 measures of talent 지수(측정) 재능 

So far the best idea I've heard about building grit is something called which is growth mindset.

They're much more likely to persevear when they fail. Because they don't believe that failuar is a permanent condition.

That's the work that stands before us. 

work 과제   stand 놓여진   (당면과제)

We need to measure whether we've been successful and we have to be willing to fail, to be wrong to start over again

with lessons learned.

 In other words, we need to be gritty about getting our kids grittier.

Whether =if

be reluctant to v 마지못해 ~하다 / be willing to v 기꺼이~하다

Those who against 조국  / Those who agree  조국

Every second day, every other day, every two days 하루걸러, 이틀에 한번

Every day, every single day 매일

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