홈 아이콘
커뮤니티 게시판

2080 English 5월 2차 모임(5월 20일)

오늘은 4명(허영숙Rosa, 최혜숙Helen, 황규영Kenny, 장지숙Jp)이

3층 더하기 홀에 모여서 Love Story #Scene36 열공~

열린 공간이라 엄청 산만 3개의 모임이 겹쳐서 난감했으나 ~ 휴~ We have no alternative/We have no idea

1. What's wrong with

2. What's the problem with

3. What's the matter with

4. What happen to 

5. How would you like to support me?

6. While I take the courses necessary to teach in public school.

7. I told her how very proud I was to be a member of the faculty of the Shedy Lane Shool.

8. I didn't konw how to speak Englis loudly until I studied English with him.

9. I think we need to lay it on thick this time.

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