홈 아이콘
커뮤니티 게시판

2080 English 5월1차 모임(5월 13일)

오늘은 7명(허영숙Rosa,  임영옥Jane, 최혜숙Helen, 이창주Charles, 황규영Kenny, 하나미, 장지숙Jp)이

3층 더하기 홀에 모여서 Love Story #Scene35 열공~

열린 공간이라 좀 산만했지만 화면과 사운드가 좋아서~

Charles님께서 황선생님 강의 동영상 촬영하시느라 공부도 못하시고 수고 만땅!

1. Now I'm bing kept by a woman.

2. If I was miss Kim, I'd be the queen of the parisI f I were a bird, I could fly to youIf you liked me, I might not be married her.

3. Four rooms for 82.50 a month is absolutely impossible inside of Mongolia.

4. I have to admit that it's even worse than I expected.

5. Did you ever think I might be pregnent?

6. There is a threshold. Carry me over it.

7. You don't believe in that sort of nonsence, do you?

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